Burns caused by uncommon agents means those caused by other agents except heating power, with special characteristics existing in traumatogenesis, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestation. With the development of social economy, various new techniques and new equipments are springing up. In the practical use, improper operations would become traumatogenic agents and cause various special types of trauma. In addition, some special injuries emerged with the changes in people′s lifestyle. For battle injury, some new war wounds, which are different from fire-arm injuries in the past, appeared with the emergence of acoustic wave, light wave, electrical and magnetic weapons. Extraordinary regions are those located on body surface with anatomic and physiological particularity. Injuries caused by uncommon traumatogenic agent or in extraordinary region are different from those ordinary burns and trauma, and their clinical treatments have special characteristics. Clinical treatments were studied aiming at these special characteristics, and some achievements in treatment of high-voltage electrical burn, hydrofluoric acid burn, wounds on special regions, and new types of burns and trauma have been made. However, a doctor′s duty is not only to cure the diseases and save the patients′ lives, but also to prevent the diseases. The suitable treatment and precautionary measures for the new types of burns and trauma that differ from ordinary burns and trauma in the past remain to be explored.