Reliability study on establishing a rat tuberculosis wound model using Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
目的 探讨通过注射牛分枝杆菌减毒株(BCG)建立大鼠结核性创面模型的可靠性。 方法 采用实验研究方法。将15只6周龄雄性SD大鼠按照随机数字表法分为正常对照组和感染组,其中正常对照组3只、感染组12只。感染组大鼠在背部皮下注射弗氏完全佐剂3周后皮下注射BCG菌液,建立大鼠结核性创面模型;正常对照组不做任何处理。于感染第8、15、32、43天,大体观察感染组大鼠注射部位皮肤情况;于前述时间点分别取感染组3只大鼠注射部位皮肤组织,另取正常对照组大鼠对应部位皮肤组织,行苏木精-伊红染色,观察细胞排列、坏死及炎症等情况。对感染第43天感染组大鼠注射部位皮肤组织行抗酸染色,观察细菌分布情况。 结果 感染第8、15、32、43天,感染组大鼠注射部位皮肤逐渐形成结核性创面病灶,病变组织细胞排列杂乱或呈同心圆状,坏死细胞及肉芽肿数量逐渐增多;正常对照组大鼠对应部位的皮肤组织细胞排列规律,未见炎症细胞浸润。感染第43天,感染组大鼠注射部位皮肤组织中可见大量杆状细菌。 结论 使用BCG建立的大鼠结核性创面模型稳定可靠,可以满足实验要求。 Abstract:Objective To evaluate the reliability of a rat tuberculous wound model established by injecting Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Methods The experimental research was conducted. According to the random number table, fifteen 6-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into normal control group and infection group, with 3 rats in normal control group and 12 rats in infection group. Rats in infection group were injected with Freund's complete adjuvant, 3 weeks later, they were injected subcutaneously with BCG bacterial solution to establish a model of tuberculous wounds in rats; rats in normal control group did not receive any treatment. On the 8th, 15th, 32nd, and 43rd day of infection, the skin condition at the injection sites of the rats in infection group was observed roughly. Skin tissue at the injection sites of 3 rats in infection group at each corresponding time point stated above and skin tissue at the corresponding sites of the rats in normal control group were stained with hematoxylin-eosin to observe the cell arrangement, necrosis and inflammation. On 43rd day of infection, acid-fast staining was performed on the skin tissue at the injection sites of the rats in infection group to observe the distribution of bacteria. Results On the 8th, 15th, 32nd, and 43rd day of infection, tuberculous wound lesions were gradually developed at the skin tissues at the injection sites of the rats in infection group. The cells of the diseased tissue of the rats in infection group arranged disorderly or concentrically, and the number of granulomas and necrotic cells gradually increased, while the skin tissue cells in the corresponding parts of the rats in normal control group arranged regularly with no inflammatory cell infiltration. On the 43rd day of infection, a large number of rod-shaped bacteria were observed in the skin tissue at the injection sites of the rats in infection group. Conclusions The rat tuberculous wound model established using BCG is stable and reliable, which can meet the experimental requirements. -
Key words:
- Models, animal /
- Tuberculosis, cutaneous /
- Rats /
- Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
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