Clinical effects of nerve-carrying peroneal artery perforator flaps in repairing nerve defects in the late stage of wrist electric burns
目的 探讨携带神经的腓动脉穿支皮瓣修复腕部电烧伤后期神经缺损的临床效果。 方法 该研究为回顾性观察性研究。2019年12月—2023年5月,遵义医科大学附属医院收治5例符合入选标准的腕部电烧伤后期神经缺损致手部感觉功能障碍患者,其中男4例、女1例,年龄7~48岁。正中神经、尺神经均缺损者4例,仅正中神经缺损者1例,神经缺损长度为5~12 cm。对4例患者行携带腓肠神经和腓浅神经的腓动脉穿支皮瓣移植,1例患者行仅携带腓肠神经的腓动脉穿支皮瓣移植。将皮瓣供区创面直接拉拢缝合。1例患者合并肌腱粘连,同期行肌腱粘连松解;3例患者合并腕屈肌肌群缺损,其中同期行自体肌腱移植者2例、Ⅱ期行股薄肌肌皮瓣屈指功能重建者1例;1例患者合并腕关节屈曲挛缩,Ⅱ期行挛缩松解。术后随访观察皮瓣成活情况,记录皮瓣供受区切口/缝合口愈合时间及手部感觉恢复时间。末次随访时,观察皮瓣供区瘢痕形成情况及足部感觉缺失情况;根据中华医学会手外科学分会上肢部分功能评定试用标准中手部肌腱、神经修复评定标准,分别评价屈指肌力和手指感觉功能。 结果 患者术后获随访12~24个月,所有患者皮瓣均成活,皮瓣供受区切口/缝合口愈合时间均约为2周,手部感觉在术后6个月内恢复。末次随访时,小腿供区遗留线性瘢痕,足背遗留部分皮肤感觉障碍,无皮肤破溃,不影响穿鞋及行走;屈指肌力评定为4级者1例、3级者3例、2级者1例;手部感觉功能评定为S3+级者4例,皮肤两点辨别觉距离为8~11 mm;手部感觉功能评定为S3级者1例,皮肤两点辨别觉距离为13 mm。 结论 采用携带神经的腓动脉穿支皮瓣修复腕部电烧伤后期神经缺损,手部感觉在6个月内恢复,皮瓣供区仅遗留线性瘢痕,足背仅有部分区域感觉减退;结合屈指功能重建,能有效改善手部整体功能。 Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical effects of nerve-carrying peroneal artery perforator flaps in repairing nerve defects in the late stage of wrist electric burns. Methods This study was a retrospective observational study. From December 2019 to May 2023, five patients with sensory dysfunction in hands due to nerve defects in the late stage of wrist electric burns were treated in the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University and met the inclusion criteria. There were 4 males and 1 female, aged 7 to 48 years. Four patients had defects in both median nerve and ulnar nerve, one patient had a defect solely in median nerve, and the length of nerve defects ranged from 5 to 12 cm. Four patients underwent transplantation of peroneal artery perforator flaps carrying sural nerve and superficial peroneal nerve, and 1 patient underwent transplantation of peroneal artery perforator flap only carrying sural nerve. The wounds in flap donor sites were all directly sutured. One patient had tendon adhesion and release of tendon adhesion was performed during the same surgery; 3 patients had combined defects in the wrist flexor muscle group, including 2 patients received autologous tendon grafting during the same surgery, and one patient received reconstruction of finger flexion function with a gracilis myocutaneous flap in the second stage; 1 patient had combined wrist flexion contracture which was surgically released in the second stage. During follow-up after surgery, the survival of the flaps was observed, and the healing time of the incisions or sutures in flap donor and recipient sites and the recovery time of hand sensation were recorded. At the last follow-up, the scar formation and loss of sensation in the foot were observed, and flexor strength and sensory function of the fingers were evaluated based on the evaluation criteria for tendon and nerve repair standards of hands in the trial standards for evaluation of partial function of the upper extremity by the Hand Surgery Society of Chinese Medical Association. Results All patients were followed up after surgery for 12 to 24 months, and all flaps of patients survived. The healing time for the incisions or sutures in flap donor and recipient sites was about 2 weeks, and the hand sensation recovered in 6 months after surgery. At the last follow-up, linear scar was left in the donor site on the lower leg; patients had partial sensory impairment on the dorsum of the foot, but there was no skin ulceration, which did not affect wearing shoes or walking; finger flexor strength was rated as grade 4 in 1 patient, grade 3 in 3 patients, and grade 2 in 1 patient; the sensory function of hands was evaluated as S3+ level in 4 patients, with the two-point discrimination distance of the skin ranging from 8 to 11 mm, while the sensory function of hands was evaluated as S3 level in 1 patient, with the two-point discrimination distance of the skin of 13 mm. Conclusions Using the nerve-carrying peroneal artery perforator flaps to repair the nerve defects in the late stage of wrist electric burns, the sensation of hands can be restored in 6 months after surgery, with only linear scar in the flap donor sites and hypoesthesia in some areas of the dorsum of the foot. When combined with the reconstruction of finger flexion function, the overall function of hands can be effectively improved. -
Key words:
- Burns, electric /
- Wrist /
- Perforator flap /
- Sural nerve /
- Superficial peroneal nerve /
- Nerve defects /
- Functional reconstruction
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