Clinical application effect of latissimus dorsi muscle flap in reconstruction of muscle strength around shoulder after electric burns
目的 探讨背阔肌肌瓣在电烧伤后肩周肌力重建中的临床应用效果。 方法 2014年3月—2020年9月,空军军医大学第一附属医院收治13例伴有肩周严重损伤的电烧伤患者,其中男11例、女2例,年龄19~55岁,对其进行回顾性观察性研究。受伤肢体为左上肢8例、右上肢5例,均为Ⅲ~Ⅳ度焦痂创面,其中伴有肱二头肌缺损6例、三角肌缺损3例、肱三头肌缺损2例、肩周多条肌肉复合缺损2例。手术分2个阶段进行,Ⅰ期行肩周电烧伤创面清创探查,在保证全身状况稳定的前提下,尽可能保留局部组织、保存肢体。最后1次清创后创面面积为10 cm×6 cm~40 cm×15 cm,肌肉缺损面积为8 cm×4 cm~19 cm×12 cm,7例患者伴有肱骨外露。Ⅱ期根据残留肢体缺损程度,采用背阔肌肌瓣行肩周肌力重建,背阔肌肌瓣切取面积为15 cm×6 cm~20 cm×18 cm,剩余创面采用自体头部刃厚皮修复,肌瓣供区直接拉拢缝合。观察术后肌瓣成活和创面封闭情况及随访时供受区外观。末次随访时,采用中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定肩关节功能;参照肩关节简明测试评分系统,自制问卷调查患者对肩部外观及功能恢复的满意度。 结果 术后13例患者肩周肌瓣全部成活;2例患者皮片移植区域残余创面,其中1例患者经换药处理后愈合,1例患者换药后再次行自体头部刃厚皮移植后愈合。所有患者均获随访,时间6~18个月,患者肩周肌瓣外形饱满、不臃肿,修复区域萎缩性瘢痕质地柔软,与周围正常皮肤组织接近。肌瓣供区遗留线性缝合瘢痕,不影响整体外观。末次随访时,肩关节主动外展活动度60~90°,上举120~180°,肌力恢复Ⅳ级以上8例、Ⅲ级5例;肩关节功能评定为优8例、良5例;10例患者对肩周外观及功能恢复非常满意,3例患者对肩周外观及功能恢复满意。 结论 背阔肌肌瓣的应用为肩周电烧伤后肌力重建提供了一种较佳选择,术区外形好,上肢功能预后较佳。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical application effect of latissimus dorsi muscle flap in reconstruction of muscle strength around shoulder after electric burns. Methods From March 2014 to September 2020, 13 patients with electric burns and severe injury around shoulder were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, including 11 males and 2 females, aged 19-55 years. A retrospective observational study was conducted. The left upper limbs were injured in 8 cases, and the right upper limbs were injured in 5 cases, all with eschar wounds of Ⅲ-Ⅳ degree. Among which, there were biceps defects in 6 cases, deltoid defects in 3 cases, triceps defects in 2 cases, and composite defects of multiple muscles around shoulder in 2 cases. The surgery was carried out in two stages. In stage Ⅰ, debridement and exploration of electric burn wounds around shoulders were conducted to preserve local tissue and save the limb as much as possible on the premise of guaranteeing the stability of the body condition. After the last debridement, the wound area was from 10 cm×6 cm to 40 cm×15 cm, the muscle defect area was from 8 cm×4 cm to 19 cm×12 cm, and the humerus was exposed in 7 patients. In stage Ⅱ, according to the residual limb defect degree, muscle reconstruction around shoulder was conducted with the latissimus dorsi muscle flap, and area of the latissimus dorsi muscle flap was 15 cm×6 cm to 20 cm×18 cm. The residual wounds were repaired with autologous split-thickness skin grafts of head, and the donor sites of muscle flaps were sutured directly. The survivals of the muscle flaps and wounds closure post operation, and the appearances of the donor sites and recipient sites during follow-up were observed. At the last follow-up, the shoulder joint function was evaluated using the trial standard for the evaluation of the functions of the upper limbs of the Hand Surgery Society of the Chinese Medical Association, and the satisfaction degrees of patients for appearance and function recoveries of shoulder were investigated by self-made questionnaire with reference to the concise test scoring system of shoulder joint. Results All of the 13 muscle flaps around shoulder survived after surgery. Two patients had residual wounds in the skin grafting area, the wound in one of the patients was healed after dressing change, and the wound in the other 1 patient was healed with the second autologous split-thickness skin grafting on head after dressing change. During follow-up of 6 to 18 months for all the patients, the muscle flaps of patients were full in appearance and not bloated, and atrophic scar in the repaired area was soft in texture and closed with normal skin around. Linear suture scars were left in the donor sites of muscle flaps, which did not affect the overall appearance. At the last follow-up, the active abduction range of the shoulder joint was 60-90°, upward lift on 120-180°, muscle strength recovered to level Ⅳ and above in 8 cases and to level Ⅲ in 5 cases, and the shoulder joint function was evaluated as excellent in 8 cases and good in 5 cases; 10 patients were very satisfied and 3 patients were satisfied with the appearance and function recovery of the shoulders. Conclusions The application of latissimus dorsi muscle flap provides a better choice for the muscle strength reconstruction around shoulder after electric burns, with good appearance of the operative areas and ideal prognosis of upper limb function.
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