Continuing the brilliance in response to the development trend of discipline: congratulations on the publication of Chinese Journal of Burns and Wounds
摘要: 2022年岁首,在《中华烧伤与创面修复杂志》2022年第1期出刊之际,总编辑罗高兴教授从学科与杂志发展角度阐述了《中华烧伤杂志》变更刊名为《中华烧伤与创面修复杂志》的原因、目的与必要性,同时高度肯定了《中华烧伤杂志》作为中国烧伤学术界的权威期刊对推动烧伤学科建设与发展所做出的巨大贡献。创面修复是烧伤科医师日常最主要、最擅长的工作之一,且自2000年《中华烧伤杂志》创刊至今, 创面修复也一直是杂志最主要报道内容。近年来,创面修复领域发展迅猛,临床与基础方面的研究成果层出不穷,为了适应烧伤学科的发展需要,并使刊名与所发表学术内容更为吻合,故十分有必要将杂志刊名变更为《中华烧伤与创面修复杂志》,同时办刊宗旨与刊稿范围等均无任何改变。我们相信,有了新名称的《中华烧伤与创面修复杂志》将会发展得更好、更快,并为烧伤与创面修复专业的学科建设、人才培养等搭建更好的学术平台。Abstract: At the beginning of 2022, the first issue of the renamed journal— Chinese Journal of Burns and Wounds is published successfully, the editor-in-chief, Prof. Gaoxing Luo, explains the purpose, reason and necessity in the frontispiece to change the name of the journal from Chinese Journal of Burnsto Chinese Journal of Burns and Wounds. Meanwhile, the unshakable and authoritative academic function and position of the journal in the discipline of burns not only in China but also in the world is illustrated. In fact, wound repair and regeneration is one of the most important and skillful tasks for burn experts, which has been also the main published content of the journal since it was founded in 2000. In order to meet the needs of the development of the discipline of burns and wounds and to make the name of the journal much more consistent with the published content, the journal is renamed as the new one without any changes of aim or scope of the publication. We believe that the journal with the new name will grow better and faster, and will set up a much more valuable academic platform for the development and talent cultivation for the disciplines of burns and wounds in the future.
Key words:
- Burns /
- Wound repair /
- Editor- in-chief's words
(2) [1] 付小兵.战时治烧伤,平时治创面:有关烧伤学科发展的一点思考[J].中华烧伤杂志,2018,34(7):434-436.DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1009-2587.2018.07.002. [2] 黄跃生,付小兵,陆树良,等.有关烧伤科与创面修复科协调发展的思考[J].中华烧伤杂志,2020,36(6):411-414.DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20200519-00273. -
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