A case of pseudotumor of lower extremity combined with protracted infectious skin ulcer induced by severe hemophilia A
Abstract:On July 11, 2018, a 26 years old male patient with pseudotumor of lower extremity combined with protracted infectious skin ulcer induced by severe hemophilia A was admitted to Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University&Wuhan Third Hospital. After treatment of supplementary of clotting factors, prothrombin complex, debridement, and vacuum sealing drainage, skin grafting was performed after granulation tissue formation in wounds. After surgery, clotting factor supplement, anti-infection, prevention of hematoma, and so on were performed. The wounds were finally closed with the survival of skin graft, which dramatically improves the patient's quality of life. This case suggests that aggressive and effective surgical treatment can significantly improve the prognosis of patients with severe hemophilia A.
Key words:
- Hemophilia A /
- Skin ulcer /
- Wound healing
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