Interpretation of 2022 edition of Ethiopia "Evidence-based practical guideline for procedural pain management and sedation for burn pediatrics patients undergoing wound care procedures"
摘要: 儿童是烧伤高发人群,严重烧伤导致患儿皮肤生理结构遭到破坏,造成的疼痛极为剧烈。烧伤患儿极易产生焦虑、恐慌等不良情绪,影响治疗及康复效果。因此,控制疼痛和焦虑在烧伤患儿的管理中非常关键。埃塞俄比亚烧伤康复专家组成员经过系统的文献检索与评价于2022年在《Annals of Medicine and Surgery》杂志上发表了《烧伤患儿创面处理过程中的程序化疼痛管理和镇静的循证实践指南》,指导临床更加科学规范地进行相关疾病管理。该文旨在使我国临床医护人员了解相关最新证据,为有效管理烧伤患儿疼痛和伴随的焦虑、规范相关实践操作提供思路及依据。Abstract: Children are at high risk for burns, and severe burns can lead to the destruction of their skin's physiological structure, causing excruciating pain. Burned children are highly prone to adverse emotions such as anxiety and panic, which can impact the outcome of their treatment and rehabilitation. Therefore, managing pain and anxiety is crucial in the care of burned children. In 2022, "Evidence-based practical guideline for procedural pain management and sedation for burn pediatrics patients undergoing wound care procedures" was published in the journal "Annals of Medicine and Surgery" by Ethiopia expert panel engaged in burn rehabilitation after conducting a systematic literature search and evaluation, aiming to guide clinical management of related diseases in a more scientifical and standardized manner. This paper aims to inform clinical healthcare professionals in China to understand the latest relevant evidence, and to provide ideas and basis for effective management of pain and accompanying anxiety in children with burns, and standardized operations of relevant practice.
Key words:
- Burns /
- Child /
- Pain /
- Sedation /
- Guideline interpretation
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