Volume 39 Issue 6
Jun.  2023
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Du WL,Shen YM,Hu XH,et al.Clinical effect of the giant deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap in repairing the circular high-voltage electric burn wounds on the wrist[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(6):527-533.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220719-00296.
Citation: Du WL,Shen YM,Hu XH,et al.Clinical effect of the giant deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap in repairing the circular high-voltage electric burn wounds on the wrist[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(6):527-533.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220719-00296.

Clinical effect of the giant deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap in repairing the circular high-voltage electric burn wounds on the wrist

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20220719-00296

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2018YFA0703104

Capital Health Development Research Project 2020-2-1123

Discipline Backbone of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital XKGG202209

More Information
  •   Objective   To investigate the clinical effect of the giant deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap in repairing the circular high-voltage electric burn wounds on the wrist.   Methods   A retrospective observational study method was used. From September 2016 to October 2021, thirteen male patients (aged 20-43 years) with annular high voltage (10-100 kV) electrical burns on the wrist were admitted to the Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. At the early stage after injury, the patient's wrist was subjected to incision, tension reduction and debridement, with the wound area after debridement being 27 cm×16 cm-32 cm×19 cm; in 12 patients with vascular injury, the radial or ulnar artery was reconstructed by great saphenous vein transplantation, with the length of 15-25 cm; the wrist wound was repaired by free transplantation of the deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap (if the wound was giant, the lower abdominal flap carrying other perforators was used), with the area of 30 cm×19 cm-35 cm×20 cm. The donor site was repaired by direct suture+skin grafting or relay flap transplantation. After surgery, the survival of flap in recipient area, as well as survival of the skin or flap in donor site were observed. During follow-up, the appearances of the flap in recipient area and the recovery of hand function, as well as the healing of donor site, occurrence of abdominal wall hernia, and scar in skin graft area were observed.   Results   After surgery, all the 13 patients' paraumbilical perforator flaps survived. Among them, 3 patients had subcutaneous fat necrosis at the distal end of the wrist flap, and the wound had mild infection, which healed after re-expansion and dressing change. All the skin grafts in the donor site of 10 patients survived, and the flaps in the donor site of 3 patients survived well. The patients were followed up for 6 months to 3 years. The flaps in recipient area were in good shape, 8 cases had partial recovery of hand function, and 5 cases had loss of finger flexion function; the donor site of abdominal flap healed well with no abdominal hernia occurred, and the skin graft site had no obvious scar hyperplasia and was soft in texture.   Conclusions   Early vascular reconstruction after injury, together with free transplantation of the giant deep inferior epigastric artery paraumbilical perforator flap are effective in repairing circular high-voltage electrical burn wounds on the wrist.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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