Di HP,Xing PP,Zheng JJ,et al.Curative effects of ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap in one-stage split-finger repair of palmar combined with multiple finger wounds[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(9):835-841.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20221129-00514.
Citation: Di HP,Xing PP,Zheng JJ,et al.Curative effects of ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap in one-stage split-finger repair of palmar combined with multiple finger wounds[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(9):835-841.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20221129-00514.

Curative effects of ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap in one-stage split-finger repair of palmar combined with multiple finger wounds

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20221129-00514

Henan Medical Science and Technology Research Program 232102311126

The Provincial and Ministerial Key Projects of Henan Medical Science and Technology Research Program SBGJ202102208

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  •   Objective   To explore the curative effects of ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap in one-stage split-finger repair of palmar combined with multiple finger wounds.   Methods   A retrospective observational study was conducted. From October 2016 to June 2018, 20 patients with wounds on palms and multiple fingers who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Zhengzhou First People's Hospital, including 15 males and 5 females, aged 18 to 77 years. After debridement, the wound area was 8 cm×4 cm-17 cm×12 cm. The wound was repaired by ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap with area of 9 cm×5 cm to 19 cm×13 cm. According to the wound condition of finger, the finger division was performed in one stage, and the length-to-width ratio of the split-finger flap was 2.0:1.0-2.5:1.0. During the surgery, the descending branches of lateral circumflex femoral artery and accompanying vein of flap were anastomosed end-to-end to the radial artery and vein in the recipient area, respectively, and the anterolateral femoral cutaneous nerve of flap was bridged with the superficial branch of radial nerve in the recipient area. The wounds in the donor area of flap in 14 patients were sutured directly, the wounds in the donor area of flap in 3 patients were repaired by relay superficial iliac circumflex artery perforator flap, and the wounds in the donor area of flap in 3 patients were covered by free trunk medium-thick skin graft. The survival of flap, occurrence of vascular crisis and other complications, and healing of wounds in the donor area of flap were recorded. The appearance of flap, scar hyperplasia in the donor and recipient areas and the patients' satisfaction with the shape and function of the donor and recipient areas were followed up. In 1 year after surgery, the two-point discrimination distance of the flap was measured, and the recovery of hand function was evaluated by the trial standard for the evaluation of the functions of the upper limbs of the Hand Surgery Society of the Chinese Medical Association.   Results   The flaps of 17 patients survived without vascular crisis or other complications after surgery. The flap of 1 patient had poor blood circulation and partial necrosis, and the wound was healed 14 days after dressing change and grafting of split-thickness skin graft from head. Two patients had mild cyanosis at the margin of flap after surgery, which disappeared spontaneously 5 days later. Incisions at donor site, relay flaps, and skin grafts of all patients survived well. After surgery, the color and texture of flap were basically the same as that of the normal skin of hand, and linear scars were observed in the donor and recipient areas. The patients were satisfied with the recovery of appearance and function of donor and recipient areas. After 1 year of follow-up, the patients' hand sensory function recovered well, the two-point discrimination distance of flap was 4-6 mm, and the recovery of hand function was evaluated as excellent in 18 cases and good in 2 cases.   Conclusions   The ultrathin anterolateral femoral flap in repairing the palmar combined with multiple finger wounds in one-stage split-finger can significantly reduce the number of surgeries and improve the function and beauty of the hand, so it is worthy of clinical promotion.


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