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Citation: Wang SH,Wang SB,Xu ZR,et al.Clinical effects of antegrade anterolateral thigh pedicled flaps in repairing wounds in the perineum or inguinal regions[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2024,40(10):978-984.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20240218-00064.

Clinical effects of antegrade anterolateral thigh pedicled flaps in repairing wounds in the perineum or inguinal regions

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20240218-00064

The Construction Program of Medical "Double High" in Fujian Province of China 202176

Fujian Provincial Health and Family Planning Youth Scientific Research Project Funding Program 2017-1-44

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Xu Zhaorong, Email: 234828306@qq.com
  • Received Date: 2024-02-18
  •   Objective  To explore the clinical effects of antegrade anterolateral thigh pedicled flaps in repairing wounds in the perineum or inguinal regions.  Methods  The study was a retrospective observational study. From January 2022 to May 2024, 7 patients with wounds in the perineum or inguinal regions who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, including 5 males and 2 females, aged 54 to 72 years. The wound area after debridement was 8 cm×6 cm to 16 cm×11 cm. During the operation, antegrade anterolateral thigh pedicled flaps with area of 9 cm×7 cm to 18 cm×13 cm were harvested to repair the wounds. The wounds in the flap donor sites were sutured directly or repaired with split-thickness skin grafts from the thigh. The survival of flaps and the healing of wounds and the survival of skin grafts in flap donor sites were observed after operation. During follow-up, the texture, color, and blood supply of flaps were observed, the muscle strength of the lower extremities on the affected side was evaluated according to Lovett muscle strength grading standard, the muscle tension of the lower extremities on the affected side was evaluated by modified Ashworth scale, and the recovery of lower extremity movement, wound recurrence, and scar formation in the flap donor sites were observed.  Results  The flaps all survived successfully after operation. All the wounds in the flap donor sites healed and the skin grafts all survived. During 2 to 29 months of follow-up, the flaps were soft in texture, similar in color to the surrounding normal skin tissue with good blood supply. The muscle strength of the lower extremities on the affected side was evaluated as grade 4 in 2 patients and grade 5 in 5 patients. The muscle tension was grade 0 in all patients with no abnormality in movement. No wound recurred and no obvious scar deformity in the flap donor site was observed.  Conclusions  The antegrade anterolateral thigh pedicled flap transplant is one of the effective methods to repair wounds in the perineum and inguinal regions. The procedure is easy to operate, with good postoperative appearances of the donor and recipient sites and good function of affected limbs, which is worthy of clinical promotion.


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