Xie L,Zhang Y,Wang JY,et al.A prospective before-after self-control study of the scenario simulation teaching of junior nurses in a burns department on the fluid resuscare of massive burn patients during shock stage[J].Chin J Burns,2021,37(8):781-787.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20201105-00456.
Citation: Xie L,Zhang Y,Wang JY,et al.A prospective before-after self-control study of the scenario simulation teaching of junior nurses in a burns department on the fluid resuscare of massive burn patients during shock stage[J].Chin J Burns,2021,37(8):781-787.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20201105-00456.

A prospective before-after self-control study of the scenario simulation teaching of junior nurses in a burns department on the fluid resuscitation care of massive burn patients during shock stage

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20201105-00456

Nursing Scientific Research in Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine RJHK-2019-19

Construction Project of Adult Emergency Intensive Nursing Training Base in Ruijin Hospital GWV-5-TB001

More Information
  •   Objective  To explore the effects of scenario simulation teaching of junior nurses in a burns department on the fluid resuscitation care of massive burn patients during shock stage.  Methods  From March 2018 to July 2019, 25 junior nurses fixed in the Department of Burn of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine met the inclusion criteria and were recruited in this prospective before-after self-control study, including 21 females and 4 males, aged 23 to 26 years. They had a work experience of 1.0 (1.0, 2.0) years in the Department of Burn. Three teaching scenarios were made according to the three major problems in the fluid resuscitation nursing of extensive burn patients during shock stage. The teaching plans were written based on the theoretical framework of Jeffrie's nursing simulation teaching. The high feasibility and practicability of the teaching plans was verified through expert consultation and evaluation by junior nurses. According to the three scenarios in the teaching plan, the junior nurses were performed with scenario simulation teaching, with 2 hours for each scenario, 6 hours in total. In one month before and after the teaching (hereinafter referred to as before and after teaching), the comprehensive ability of junior nurses was evaluated by the teachers using the self-designed junior nurse comprehensive ability evaluation scale, and their behaviors were evaluated by themselves with Performance Self-rating Scale for Nursing Students on High Simulation Training. Data were statistically analyzed with paired sample t test.  Results  After teaching, the scores on communication skills, patient admissions, condition assessments, fluid resuscitation, emergency treatment, drug management, nursing skills, instrument use, teamwork, and humanitarian care and total score in the comprehensive ability evaluation of junior nurses as evaluated by teachers were significantly higher than those before teaching (t=-8.060, -11.421, -17.232, -24.800, -4.670, -11.916, -12.131, -11.606, -14.632, -13.325, -25.068, P<0.01), with 4 items including fluid resuscitation, condition assessment, nursing skills, and equipment operation having higher scores. After teaching, the nurses' self-rating scores on communication, division of labor and cooperation, clinical decision-making, professional knowledge and skills, and professional development and critical thinking and total score were (4.6±0.4), (4.8±0.3), (4.6±0.3), (4.6±0.4), (4.6±0.4), and (23.2±1.5) points respectively, which were significantly higher than the corresponding scores of (4.1±0.7), (4.2±0.7), (3.9±0.5), (3.7±0.6), (3.9±0.5), and (18.8±2.6) points before teaching (t=-3.361, -5.721, -6.987, -7.923, -7.922, -7.367, P<0.01).  Conclusions  With solving the practical problems in nursing works of fluid resuscitation care of massive burn patients during shock stage as entry point, scenario simulation teaching aims to train the clinical practice ability and adaptability of junior nurses, thereby improving junior nurses' comprehensive ability of clinical practice in the fluid resuscitation care of massive burn patients during shock stage, enhancing their self-confidence and critical thinking ability.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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