Wu KP,Chen P,Ru TF,et al.A prospective randomized controlled study on the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2022,38(5):447-453.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210221-00060.
Citation: Wu KP,Chen P,Ru TF,et al.A prospective randomized controlled study on the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2022,38(5):447-453.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210221-00060.

A prospective randomized controlled study on the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210221-00060

Scientific Research Project of Health Commission of Wuhan WG19B02, WG18Q10

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Xie Weiguo, Email: wgxie@hotmail.com
  • Received Date: 2021-02-21
  •   Objective  To explore the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns.  Methods  A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. A total of 40 patients with extensive burns who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University&Wuhan Third Hospital from December 2017 to December 2020 were selected. According to the random number table, the patients were divided into conventional training group (16 males, 4 females, aged (45±10) years) and combined training group (13 males, 7 females, aged (39±8) years). Patients in conventional training group were given conventional rehabilitation therapy such as joint loosening, lower limb strength training, walking training, and pressure therapy, while patients in combined training group were given additional bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on the basis of conventional rehabilitation. For patients in the 2 groups before and after a 2-month's treatment, the thickness of quadriceps was measured by ultrasonic diagnostic instrument, the muscle strength of quadriceps was measured by portable muscle strength tester, the walking ability was tested with a 6-min and a 10-meter walk tests, and the patients' satisfaction for treatment effects was assessed using the modified Likert scale. Data were statistically analyzed with independent or paired sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, or chi-square test.  Results  After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps thickness of patients in combined training group was (3.76±0.39) cm, which was significantly thicker than (3.45±0.35) cm in conventional training group (t=2.67, P<0.05); quadriceps thickness of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly thicker than that before treatment (with t values of 5.99 and 8.62, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps muscle strength of patients in combined training group was significantly greater than that in conventional training group (Z=2.69, P<0.01); quadriceps muscle strength of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly greater than that before treatment (with Z values of 3.92 and 3.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 6-min walking distance of patients in combined training group was (488±39) m, which was significantly longer than (429±25) m in conventional training group (t=5.66, P<0.01); the 6-min walking distance of patients after 2-month's treatment in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly longer than that before treatment (with t values of 13.16 and 17.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 10-meter walking time of patients in combined training group was significantly shorter than that in conventional training group (t=3.20, P<0.01); and the 10-meter walking time in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly shorter than that before treatment (with t values of 7.21 and 13.13, respectively, P<0.01). The patients' satisfaction score for treatment effects in combined training group was significantly higher than that in conventional training group (Z=3.14, P<0.01), and the patients' satisfaction scores for treatment effects in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment were significantly greater than those before treatment (with Z values of 3.98 and 4.04, respectively, P<0.01).  Conclusions  Bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training can be used to improve quadriceps thickness, muscle strength, and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns. It can also improve the satisfaction of patients with the treatment outcome, and therefore is worthy of promotion.


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