Citation: | Chinese Burn Association.Expert consensus on the management of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients (2023 version)[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(10):901-910.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230730-00026. |
Burns are the leading cause of accidental injuries among Chinese children. Due to the strong wound repair ability and the demand for growth and development in pediatric patients, there are many options for the treatment of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients, while many controversies about the strategies for treatment of this kind of wounds also exist. This article assembled the consensus reached by experts in burns and relevant fields in China and abroad on the management of thermal-induced deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients aged 1-6 years, including definition and diagnosis, surgical treatment, non-surgical treatment, wound dressings, application of growth factors, treatment of infectious wounds, prevention and treatment of scar, to provide guiding recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients in China.
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