Chinese Burn Association.Expert consensus on the management of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients (2023 version)[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(10):901-910.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230730-00026.
Citation: Chinese Burn Association.Expert consensus on the management of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients (2023 version)[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2023,39(10):901-910.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230730-00026.

Expert consensus on the management of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients (2023 version)

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230730-00026

Shanghai Directed Projects of Biopharmaceutical Field 22DX1900600

Shanghai Research Center for Burn and Wound Repair 2023ZZ02013

Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialty of China shslczdzk02302

  • Received Date: 2023-07-30
  • Burns are the leading cause of accidental injuries among Chinese children. Due to the strong wound repair ability and the demand for growth and development in pediatric patients, there are many options for the treatment of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients, while many controversies about the strategies for treatment of this kind of wounds also exist. This article assembled the consensus reached by experts in burns and relevant fields in China and abroad on the management of thermal-induced deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients aged 1-6 years, including definition and diagnosis, surgical treatment, non-surgical treatment, wound dressings, application of growth factors, treatment of infectious wounds, prevention and treatment of scar, to provide guiding recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of deep partial-thickness burn wounds in pediatric patients in China.


  • Liu Yan, Department of Burn, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China, Email:
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States[]三亚三明三门峡上海上饶东方东莞中山临汾临沂临沧丽水乌兰察布乌鲁木齐乐山九江伊犁佛山佳木斯俄勒冈保定保山信阳儋州克拉玛依六安六盘水兰州内江凉山包头北京北海十堰南京南充南宁南平南昌南通南阳厦门台州合肥吉林周口呼和浩特咸阳哈密哈尔滨唐山商洛喀什嘉兴圣安东尼奥夏延大连大阪大阪府天水天津太原威海娄底宁德宁波安康安阳安顺定西宜宾宜昌宜春宝鸡宣城宿州宿迁巴音郭楞常州常德平顶山广元广安广州庆阳延安延边弗吉张家口张家界徐州得梅因德宏德阳忻州恩施成都扬州抚州拉萨揭阳文山新乡新余新加坡无锡日喀则昆明昭通朝阳来宾杭州枣庄柳州株洲格兰特县桂林梅州梧州榆林武威武汉比勒费尔德毕节汉中汕头汕尾江门沈阳沧州河源泉州泰州泸州洛杉矶洛阳济南济宁海东海口淄博淮北淮南淮安深圳清远温州渭南湖州湘西湛江滨州漯河漳州潍坊潮州澳门澳门特别行政区烟台焦作玉林玉溪珠海甘南白银百色盐城盘锦石嘴山石家庄福州秦皇岛纽约绍兴绥化绵阳胡志明自贡舟山艾因芒廷维尤芜湖芝加哥苏州荆州荆门莆田菏泽萍乡营口葫芦岛蚌埠衡水衡阳衢州襄阳西宁西安许昌贵港贵阳费城资阳赣州辽阳达州达拉斯运城连云港遂宁遵义邢台邯郸郑州郴州鄂州酒泉重庆金华金昌钦州铁岭铜仁银川镇江长春长沙阜新阜阳防城港阳江阿勒泰雅安青岛鞍山韶关香港马尼拉马鞍山驻马店鹤壁鹰潭黄冈黄山黔南黔西南齐齐哈尔龙岩1/2


    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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