Zhu C,He L,He T,et al.Clinical effects of early rehabilitation treatment after repair surgery of skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2024,40(4):365-372.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230820-00057.
Citation: Zhu C,He L,He T,et al.Clinical effects of early rehabilitation treatment after repair surgery of skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand[J].Chin J Burns Wounds,2024,40(4):365-372.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230820-00057.

Clinical effects of early rehabilitation treatment after repair surgery of skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501225-20230820-00057

Shaanxi Provincial Key Research and Development Plan 2023-YBSF-179

General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 82172208

More Information
  •   Objective   To explore the clinical effects of early rehabilitation treatment after repair surgery of skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand.   Methods   This study was a retrospective non-randomized controlled study. From February 2015 to February 2023, 24 patients (15 males and 9 females, aged 12-55 years) with skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand, who met the inclusion criteria and were repaired with flap transplantation and tendon grafting or tendon anastomosis, were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University. According to different intervention time for postoperative rehabilitation treatment of patients, the patients were divided into conventional rehabilitation group and early rehabilitation group, with 12 cases in each group. Patients in early rehabilitation group received rehabilitation treatment immediately after surgery under the rehabilitation guidance of specialized rehabilitation physicians based on the characteristics of different postoperative periods. Patients in conventional rehabilitation group began rehabilitation treatment from the third week after surgery, and their rehabilitation treatment was the same as that of patients in early rehabilitation group from the second week after surgery. The patients in 2 groups were treated in the hospital until the sixth week after surgery. The occurrence of flap vascular crisis and tendon rupture were observed within 6 weeks after surgery. After 6 weeks of surgery, the manual muscle test was used to measure the pinching force between the index finger and thumb, lateral pinching force, three-point pinching force, and grip force of the affected hand; the total action motion method was used to evaluate the finger joint range of motion of the affected hand, and the excellent and good ratio was calculated; the Carroll upper extremity function test was used to score and rate the function of the affected hand.   Results   Within 6 weeks after surgery, only 1 patient in conventional rehabilitation group suffered from venous crisis, and the flap survived after the second surgical exploration and anastomosis of blood vessels; there was no occurrence of tendon rupture in patients of 2 groups. After 6 weeks of surgery, there were no statistically significant differences in pinching force between the index finger and thumb, lateral pinching force, three-point pinching force, or grip force of the affected hand between the two groups of patients ( P>0.05); the excellent and good ratio of the finger joint range of motion of the affected hand of patients in early rehabilitation group was 11/12, which was higher than 7/12 in conventional rehabilitation group, but there was no statistically significant difference ( P>0.05); the affected hand function score of patients in early rehabilitation group was 90±6, which was significantly higher than 83±8 in conventional rehabilitation group ( t=2.41, P<0.05); the function rating of the affected hand of patients in early rehabilitation group was obviously better than that in conventional rehabilitation group ( Z=2.04, P<0.05).   Conclusions   Early rehabilitation treatment for patients with skin and soft tissue defects accompanied by extensor tendon injury on the back of hand after repair surgery can improve hand function, but it would not increase surgery related complications, which is worthy of clinical promotion and application.


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