Shang NS,Cui BH,Wang C,et al.A prospective randomized controlled study of the application effect of hydrogel dressings on deep partial-thickness burn wounds after dermabrasion and tangential excision[J].Chin J Burns,2021,37(11):1085-1089.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210419-00133.
Citation: Shang NS,Cui BH,Wang C,et al.A prospective randomized controlled study of the application effect of hydrogel dressings on deep partial-thickness burn wounds after dermabrasion and tangential excision[J].Chin J Burns,2021,37(11):1085-1089.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210419-00133.

A prospective randomized controlled study of the application effect of hydrogel dressings on deep partial-thickness burn wounds after dermabrasion and tangential excision

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501120-20210419-00133

Zibo Key Research and Development Plan 2019ZC010216

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Huo Ran, Email:
  • Received Date: 2021-04-19
  •   Objective  To investigate the clinical effect of applying hydrogel dressings in deep partial-thickness burn wounds after dermabrasion and tangential excision.  Methods  A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. From November 2015 to August 2019, 168 patients with deep partial-thickness burns hospitalized in Zibo Sixth People's Hospital met the inclusion criteria. According to the random number table, the patients were divided into hydrogel dressing+vaseline gauze group (84 cases, 67 males and 17 females) and vaseline gauze only group (84 cases, 65 males and 19 females) who were aged (31±16) and (35±17) years, respectively, and were given corresponding treatment after dermabrasion and tangential excision. The dressings were changed every 3-5 days. Autologous skin grafting was performed with split-thickness or medium-thickness skin grafts taken from trunk or thigh if the wounds failed to heal over 21 days or the wounds were less than 21 days but located in the joints, which might affect the functional activities at later stage. After operation, the general condition of the wounds was observed continuously and dynamically till the wounds were healed. The degree of dressing adhesion was evaluated during the first 4 dressing changes after operation, and the degree of pain was evaluated using Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). The wound healing rate on post operation day (POD) 3, 6, and 15 was calculated. The positive proportion of bacterial culture of wound exudates/cleanout fluid on admission and at dressing change on POD 3, 6, and 15 was calculated. The number of dressing changes were recorded, the rate of skin grafting operation was calculated, and the time of complete wound healing was recorded. Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) was used in 6 months of follow-up to evaluate the hyperplasia of scar. Data were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance for repeated measurement, independent sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test or Fisher's exact probability test, and Bonferroni correction.  Results  During the observation period after operation, the wound was moist with less exudates and the wound healed much faster in patients of hydrogel dressing+vaseline gauze group, with the inner dressing being easier to remove with mild pain, while the wounds showed more exudates and slower healing in patients of vaseline gauze only group with the obvious adhesions of inner dressing, stronger pain, and bleeding in the wounds. Compared with those in vaseline gauze only group, the degree of dressing adhesion and pain NRS score of patients in hydrogel dressing+vaseline gauze group decreased significantly during the first 4 dressing changes after operation (χ2=52.625, Z=-10.854, P<0.01), the wound healing rate increased significantly at dressing change on POD 3, 6, and 15 (t=10.347, 41.150, 167.627, P<0.01), the positive proportion of wound exudates/cleanout fluid bacterial culture did not change significantly on admission or at dressing change on POD 3 (P>0.05) but decreased significantly at dressing change on POD 6 and 15 (χ2=15.616, 15.226, P<0.01), the dressing change times was significantly reduced (t=-11.986, P<0.01), and the rate of skin grafting operation was significantly decreased (χ2=35.850, P<0.01). The complete wound healing time of patients in hydrogel dressing+vaseline gauze group was (17.6±2.8) d, significantly shorter than (27.1±3.0) d in vaseline gauze only group (t=-21.288, P<0.01). During the follow-up of 6 months, the VSS score of scar hyperplasia of patients in hydrogel dressing+vaseline gauze group was significantly lower than that in vaseline gauze only group (Z=-11.287, P<0.01).  Conclusions  Compared with the use of vaseline gauze only, the application of vaseline gauze coated with hydrogel dressing in deep partial-thickness burn wounds after dermabrasion and tangential excision is more effective in moisturizing, significantly reducing the degree of dressing adhesion and patients' pain during dressing change, increasing wound healing rate, decreasing wound infection rate and the rate of skin grafting operation, and reducing the number of dressing changes. It shortens the time for complete wound healing, and effectively relieves scar hyperplasia.


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